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Some inspiration on how to do-up any bare space. Choose simple Pieces that match the rest of the room in color and theme.

Sometimes, we’re unable to find the same pieces as in the image, so instead, we look for pieces similar in aesthetic, design, ‘look and feel’.

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Image by: FollowtheFlow

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Image by: FollowtheFlow

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Bare Spaces Post 2

Lounge Chair

Option 1


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 22,260/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 2


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 19,499/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 3
Want the same thing with color? Here’s an option


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 28,300/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)



Option 1


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 39,472/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 2


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 73,500/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Dining Table Sets

Option 1


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 74,500/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 2


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 28,500/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Dining Tables (without Chairs)


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 1,27,400/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Dining Chairs

Option 1


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 26,250/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 2


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 21,600/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)




Click on the image for more Details

₹ 5,040/- onwards*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Round Wall Hanging

Option 1
Choose the letter ‘O’ in black, and it becomes similar to the wall-hanging in the main image


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 300/- onwards*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Option 2


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 2,499/- onwards*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Small, Beige Ceramic Vase


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 405/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Black, Abstract Vase


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 2,250/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Porcelain Jug, Medium Size


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 1,895/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Porcelain Milk Jug, Small Size


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 1,495/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Coffee / Tea Mugs with Platter


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 750/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Beige, Chenille Throw


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 1,313/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Abstract, Brushstroke Print


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 499/- onwards*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Mesh Pen Stand


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 674/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Additional Items that match the 'Look and Feel' of the Space

Teak Wood and Wicker Rocking ArmChair


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 43,300/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Rattan Wire Wall Flush Mount Light


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 5,069/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 31st Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

Mango Wood, Fabric and Cane 4-Seater Dining Table Set


Click on the image for more Details

₹ 83,490/-*

(Price mentioned is as on 30th Jan,2024.)


*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will not be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)


Click on the highlighted  sections in the image above to see our suggestions for similar products.

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Here's all the products we've suggested above. Keep scrolling!

₹ 22,260/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 22,260/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 28,300/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 39,472/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


Click on the image to View Product, Wishlist or Buy

*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will NOT be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

₹ 73,500/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 74,500/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 28,500/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 1,27,400/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


Click on the image to View Product, Wishlist or Buy

*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will NOT be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

₹ 26,250/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


Click on the image to View Product, Wishlist or Buy

₹ 21,600/-*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 5,040/- onwards*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 300/- onwards*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will NOT be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

₹ 2,499/- onwards*

(Price as on 30th Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 405/-*

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 2,250/-*

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 1,895/-*

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


Click on the image to View Product, Wishlist or Buy

*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will NOT be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

₹ 1,495/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 750/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 1,313/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 499/- onwards *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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*Please Note that prices may change on the Retailer/Seller website and these changes will NOT be updated/reflected on QurateSpace)

₹ 674/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 43,300/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 5,069/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


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₹ 83,490/- *

(Price as on 31st Jan, 2024.)


Click on the image to View Product, Wishlist or Buy

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